I. Basic information

1.1 Personal data of the data subject are processed in accordance with applicable legislation, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) (hereinafter referred to as "the Regulation"),

1.2 "Administrator" means Seller in accordance with Clause 1.1 of the Terms and Conditions.

1.3 The data Subject is the Buyer under item 1.1 of the Terms and Conditions.

1.4 Personal data means personal and non-personal information on which the data Subject can be identified

1.5 The data receiver means a natural or legal person, a public authority, an agency or any other body to which the data are disclosed, whether or not it is a third party.

1.6 The Administrator provides the personal data of data Subjects to the following data recipients: Authorities of state power and state administration in cases where the law so provides.

1.7 The data Subject is not the subject of any decision based solely on the automated processing by the controller, including profiling.

II. Purpose, timing and extent of processing of personal data

2.1 By ticking "I agree with the processing of personal data", the data Subject voluntarily agrees to process his or her personal data for the following purposes: purchase of goods at the prestahost.eu internet store, retention of data for the purpose of realizing a contractual relationship, eventual complaints or repeated purchase.

2.2 Independently, the data Subject has the option in his user interface to check the consent to the processing of personal data for the Administrator's marketing purposes.

2.3 Personal data are processed for the duration of the purpose of their processing or until the withdrawal of consent by the entity that granted the processing consent.

2.4 The extent of the processed personal data is the data filled in by the data Subject when registering a user account.

III. Rights of the data Subject

3.1 The data Subject has the right to access the personal data processed by the Administrator, that is to say, whether his or her personal data are processed and obtain information about their processing.

3.2 The data Subject has the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal data concerning him / her. The subject can be contacted by the Sdministrator at info@prestahost.cz

3.3 The data Subject has the right to withdraw consent at any time and to contact the Administrator at info@prestahost.cz for this purpose.

3.4 The data Subject has the right to the portability of data consisting of the possibility to obtain personal data concerning him / her. This right is made by logging into the customer's account of the data Subject. If the data Subject requests data in a different form, the data Administrator has the right to reimburse the costs incurred.

3.5 The data Subject shall, subject to the conditions, be granted the additional rights provided for in the Regulation, in particular the right of cancellation, the right to limit the processing, the right not to be subject to automated individual decision making, including profiling, the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority

3.6 The Administrator is required to inform the data Subject about the measures taken without undue delay, no later than one month after receipt of the request.